Why is Sustainability Important in Development?

The use of compute power, a fundamental part of software development, has significant implications for sustainability. The energy required to operate computers, servers, and data centers is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, the production and disposal of electronic waste can also damage the environment.

Making Small Changes for a Big Impact

The good news is that even small changes can make a big difference. By incorporating sustainable practices into our development processes, we can significantly reduce our impact on the planet.

Here are some simple things we do at Cesbit

  • Optimize code: We optimize code to reduce computational complexity and improve its efficiency. This leads to significant savings in compute power and energy consumption. Our monitoring solution InfraSonar is a great showcase where we use far less resources then its predecessor.

  • Choose efficient algorithms: Select algorithms that are known for their efficiency and avoid inefficient ones. This can further reduce compute power consumption. We pay special attention during our code reviews to avoid inefficient code

  • Utilize cloud computing: Leverage cloud computing platforms to access and utilize computing resources on demand, rather than relying on on-premises infrastructure. This can help manage compute power consumption and avoid idle resources. When possible we will use a cloud solutions such as Google Cloud to run our software.

  • Manage data storage: Implement efficient data storage strategies to minimize the amount of data stored and accessed. This can reduce the energy used to store and retrieve data. Out own example here is our own compression algorithm for SiriDB which is optimized for time-series data retrieval and reduction of  storage.

In addition to these technical measures, we also adopted sustainable practices in our daily development routines. Such as for example reducing travels, minimizing paper consumption, and promoting the use of reusable materials.


By integrating sustainability into our development process, we create software that is not only more efficient and performant but also more environmentally responsible. Small improvements can yield significant results, and our collective efforts can make a real difference in the fight against climate change.

As developers, we have the power to shape the future of technology. Let's use this power to create a more sustainable and environmentally friendly software ecosystem.


From Idea to Deployment


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